Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most common pest control questions

Pest FAQs
Answers from experts
What is Integrated Pest Management?
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an environmentally-conscious approach to pest control that relies on a combination of education and training. An IPM program utilizes biological information based on the type of pest that has been identified. Information gathered, in combination with advanced pest control procedures, is used to manage the pest with the most thorough and environmentally sensitive method of control.
Why do I still see pests in my home?
While our pest control specialists diligently work to keep your home and business pest-free, insects can sometimes still find their way in. After all, we are battling a force of Mother Nature. Since there is always the possibility of insects entering your home or business, our Quarterly Pest Control program is guaranteed. If you continue to see an issue, contact us to schedule an extra service call at no additional charge.
How are pests getting inside my home?
Insects adapt to survive. Therefore, insects will find any gap, crack or crevice to enter your home or business. Although achieving a completely pest-proof environment is desirable, it's often impractical.
Our pest control service includes an inspection of your home or business by a pest control specialist who will identify and list potential entry points for insects.
Are the pest control products you use safe for me, my children and my pets?
All of the products we use are safe for you, your family and your pets. Our highly trained pest control specialists evaluate and process each situation, then factor in Integrated Pest Management to minimize the risk of exposure while maximizing the effectiveness of each product.
I don’t see any pests in my home. Can I skip a quarterly service call?
Although we're pleased to have successfully eliminated insects from your residence or commercial space, it's crucial to maintain a protective barrier against pests along the exterior. Skipping a quarterly pest service could lead to an infestation. Staying on a consistent schedule is important as we not only apply treatments but it's also a time we can check for any unwanted pests.
I just had my quarterly service call, then it rained. Do you need to come back?
Our pest control specialists administer four primary treatments during each service. Among these treatments, crack and crevice applications and insecticide granules are less affected by weather conditions. Nonetheless, if you encounter any pest issues, PestNow's Quarterly Pest Control program is backed by a guarantee, which means an additional service may be conducted at no additional expense.
Do you have to come inside for a quarterly pest control treatments?
Our quarterly residential pest control program mainly focuses on exterior applications, especially when there are no specific interior pest problems. However, if you have an interior pest problem, there is no additional charge for treating the interior.
I have pests in my house but I’m not sure what they are. How can I find out?
Please browse our Pest Library for help identifying the insect. Should you not find the pest you are looking for, please contact us. Our skilled pest control experts will assist you.

Tick Questions
Answers that'll tick all the boxes
How do ticks transmit diseases?
Ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and others through their bite. When a tick attaches to a host and feeds on blood, it can transmit pathogens from its saliva into the host's bloodstream.
Where are ticks commonly found?
Ticks are often found in wooded or grassy areas, as well as in shrubs, leaf litter, and tall grass. They can also be present in urban areas, particularly in parks and gardens.
How can I protect myself from tick bites?
Your best protection is prevention and population control. Our Yard Guard Program includes seven treatments from April to October. Each service protects from ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes for about 30 days, so we complete the service monthly.
To further shield yourself from tick bites, consider wearing long sleeves and pants in tick-prone areas, applying insect repellents containing DEET, and conducting routine tick checks on yourself, children, and pets following outdoor activities.
What should I do if I find a tick attached to my skin?
If you find a tick attached to your skin, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible and pull upward with steady, even pressure. Clean the area with rubbing alcohol or soap and water, and dispose of the tick by flushing it down the toilet or placing it in a sealed bag or container.
What is Alpha-Gal Syndrome?
Alpha-gal syndrome, officially known as alpha-gal allergy, is a condition triggered by consuming red meat, caused by an allergy to a sugar called alpha-gal. This sugar is present in various meats like pork, beef, rabbit, and lamb, as well as animal products like milk and gelatin. The syndrome is linked to tick bites, particularly those from the lone star tick, which has expanded its range across the United States. Symptoms typically occur a few hours after consuming alpha-gal-containing foods and may include itching, hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and diarrhea. Diagnosis can be challenging, as many doctors are not familiar with the syndrome, but early recognition is crucial for managing symptoms and preventing severe reactions.

Termite Protection
Answers to common questions
What can I do to prevent termites?
To effectively ward off termites, regular inspections and treatment of your residential or commercial property are crucial. Additionally, implementing these practices can help minimize the likelihood of encountering a pest control issue:
- Ensure proper drainage by directing water away from your property with well-maintained downspouts, gutters, and splash blocks.
- Promptly address any structural damage caused by moisture, such as roof leaks or plumbing leaks.
- Carry out routine maintenance tasks like caulking, painting windows, and cleaning gutters to uphold the integrity of your property.
- Reduce humidity levels in crawl spaces to discourage termite activity.
- Prevent vegetation, including shrubs and vines, from obstructing vents or encroaching upon the exterior of your property.
- Avoid wood contact with the ground around your property to minimize termite attraction.
- Clear crawl spaces and the vicinity of your property from any wood or construction debris that may serve as a termite food source.
Can I treat termites on my own?
While attempting DIY termite control is possible, many homeowners lack the expertise and training possessed by professional exterminators, which is essential for effectively addressing termite issues. Properly identifying the termite species and tailoring the treatment approach to consider their biology and behavior is crucial for successful eradication. Additionally, ensuring the correct handling of products is vital for treatment efficacy. With PestNow, a pest control specialist equipped with the necessary training and expertise can deliver the most effective solution to your termite infestation.
What damage do Eastern Subterranean Termites cause?
Eastern subterranean termites feed on wood and cellulose materials, causing structural damage to homes, buildings, and other wooden structures. They can weaken wooden supports, flooring, and furniture, leading to costly repairs.
Are termites covered by homeowners' insurance?
Termites attack millions of homes each year, causing billions of dollars in damage, and unfortunately, termite damage is not covered by most insurance policies. According to the National Pest Management Association, repairs can cost homeowners, on average, $2,500 to $5,000.
I just bought a house that you have under warranty. Do I have to pay a fee to transfer it to my name?
Our termite service agreements can be transferred at zero additional cost. If you've recently acquired a home covered under warranty with PestNow, simply provide us with your name and contact details, and our team will handle the transfer.

Mosquito Questions
Read all the buzz...
What can do to reduce mosquitoes around my home?
In addition to our mosquito control service, you can implement these steps to eliminate mosquitoes from your surroundings:
Replace any standing water in bird baths, ponds, or pools at least once weekly to reduce breeding sites.
Introduce mosquito-eating fish to ponds with standing water.
Turn over any empty flower pots, children's toys, and other objects that might hold water.
What is considered mosquito season?
Mosquitoes hibernate during winter and return when the temperature rises in the spring. By summer, mosquito populations peak and control is important. We treat for mosquitoes March through October.
Is mosquito control harmful to pets?
To minimize potential exposure to pests we suggest that animals remain indoors for at least thirty minutes after treatment is applied.
How do mosquitoes spread disease?
Mosquitoes spread disease primarily through their bites. When a mosquito bites an infected individual, it can ingest the virus or parasite causing the disease. This pathogen then replicates and multiplies within the mosquito's body. When the infected mosquito bites another person, it can transmit the pathogen into the bloodstream, potentially causing illness.
The most common diseases spread by mosquitoes include:
Malaria: Caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted through the Anopheles mosquito's bite.
Dengue Fever: Caused by the dengue virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes.
Zika Virus: Transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, particularly Aedes aegypti, and can cause birth defects if contracted during pregnancy.
West Nile Virus: Spread by infected Culex mosquitoes, leading to flu-like symptoms and, in severe cases, neurological complications.
Chikungunya: Transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes and characterized by fever and joint pain.
Yellow Fever: Caused by the yellow fever virus and transmitted by infected Aedes or Haemagogus mosquitoes.
Mosquito-borne diseases are a significant global health concern, particularly in regions where mosquitoes are prevalent year-round. Preventive measures such as mosquito control, insect repellents, and mosquito nets can help reduce the risk of disease transmission. Additionally, efforts to control mosquito populations and eliminate breeding sites are essential for preventing outbreaks of mosquito-borne illnesses.
How long do mosquitoes live?
The lifespan of a mosquito can vary depending on factors such as species, environmental conditions, and gender. In general:
Male Mosquitoes: Male mosquitoes typically have shorter lifespans compared to females. Their primary purpose is to mate with females, and they do not feed on blood. Male mosquitoes typically live for about 1 to 2 weeks.
Female Mosquitoes: Female mosquitoes, on the other hand, require blood meals for egg production. Their lifespan can vary based on environmental factors and species. In optimal conditions, some female mosquitoes can live for several weeks to a few months. However, in many species, the average lifespan of a female mosquito ranges from 2 to 4 weeks.
It's important to note that environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and food availability can significantly influence mosquito lifespan
Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?
Mosquitoes are attracted to humans and other animals primarily by the carbon dioxide (CO2) we exhale, as well as other chemical cues and body heat. However, there are several factors that can influence why mosquitoes are more attracted to certain individuals:
Carbon Dioxide: Mosquitoes are highly sensitive to carbon dioxide, which is released when we exhale. Individuals who produce more CO2, such as those who are larger or engaging in physical activity, may attract more mosquitoes.
Body Heat: Mosquitoes are attracted to the warmth emitted by our bodies. People with higher body temperatures may be more appealing to mosquitoes.
Body Odor: Mosquitoes are attracted to specific odors emitted by humans, including sweat and other bodily secretions. Certain individuals may produce more attractive odors to mosquitoes based on their genetics, diet, and hygiene practices.
Skin Microbiota: The bacteria and other microorganisms that naturally reside on our skin can produce odors that attract mosquitoes. Differences in skin microbiota between individuals may contribute to varying attractiveness to mosquitoes.
Blood Type: Some studies suggest that mosquitoes may preferentially target individuals with certain blood types. For example, individuals with Type O blood may be more attractive to mosquitoes than those with other blood types.
Pregnancy: Pregnant women may be more attractive to mosquitoes due to changes in body temperature, metabolism, and the production of certain chemicals.
Clothing Color: Mosquitoes are also attracted to certain colors, with dark colors like black, navy, and red often being more attractive than lighter colors.
Genetics: There is evidence to suggest that genetic factors play a role in an individual's attractiveness to mosquitoes. Some people may be genetically predisposed to produce certain odors or chemicals that mosquitoes find more appealing.
While these factors can influence mosquito attraction, individual variation exists, and not everyone will be equally attractive to mosquitoes.
What time of day are mosquitoes most active?
Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk, although some species may also be active during the daytime.
Can mosquitoes breed in small amounts of water?
Yes, mosquitoes can breed in even small amounts of stagnant water, such as in flower pot saucers, bottle caps, or puddles. Eliminating all sources of standing water, no matter how small, is essential for mosquito control.

Wildlife FAQs
Everything you need to know
How can I prevent wildlife from entering my home or business?
Seal any cracks or openings in the building's exterior, install chimney caps and vent covers, keep food stored securely, and trim back vegetation that could provide access to the structure.
What should I do if I find evidence of rodents in my home or business?
Take steps to eliminate food sources, seal entry points, keep a tidy home, and hire PestNow for more extensive infestations.
What should I do if I encounter a bat in my home or business?
Open windows and doors to allow the bat to exit on its own, if possible. If the bat doesn't leave, contact PestNow.
Is it safe to feed wildlife in my yard?
Feeding wildlife can disrupt natural behaviors, attract unwanted pests, and potentially lead to dependency on human-provided food. Instead, focus on creating habitat-friendly landscapes with native plants and water sources.
How can I identify common signs of wildlife activity around my property?
Look for tracks, droppings, chew marks, nesting materials, and other physical evidence. Pay attention to unusual noises or odors that could indicate the presence of wildlife.
Which wildlife animals do you handle?
Birds, bats, snakes, raccoons, squirrels, and more. PestNow is ahead of the pack (pun intended) with certified and trained wildlife experts on staff. We have programs and solutions for your toughest wildlife problem.
Do all wild animals carry rabies?
While any mammal has the potential to carry rabies, certain animals are more commonly associated with transmitting rabies. In North America, bats are the primary rabies vectors, while globally, dogs are the main carriers. Despite concerns about raccoons, actual transmission to humans is exceedingly rare. Seeing a raccoon active during daylight hours and behaving normally is not necessarily a cause for alarm, as many raccoons are active during the day. However, if an animal displays abnormal behaviors such as walking in circles, stumbling, or foaming at the mouth, it may be infected with rabies. This applies to other animals like foxes, skunks, and a few others as well.