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Yard Guard

Professional control for ticks, fleas and mosquitoes

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Yard Guard Program

We will treat for Ticks, Fleas, and Mosquitoes in two ways:

1. Source Reduction

We'll identify and treat breeding sites with larvicides to limit the production of new insects.

2. Population Reduction

We'll knock down and kill ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes using power mist blowers.

Protect Your Loved Ones With Yard Guard

Yard Guard reduces the number of ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes in your yard.

Our program includes seven treatments from April to October. Fortunately, we can start at any time. Each service protects from these pesky insects for about 30 days, so we complete the service monthly. Lawn insects can quickly dampen your family and pets' enjoyment of the outdoors if left untreated. Trust the pros at PestNow for effective control against ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes.

a close up of a bug


You're Covered With Yard Guard

These parasitic pests can be found in grassy, wooded, or brushy areas, making them a concern for all environments. Ticks travel by latching on to our pets, you, or clothing. The most common ticks in our areas include the Lone Star tick, American Dog tick, and Deer tick. Tick bites can transmit various diseases to humans and animals, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick-borne encephalitis, ehrlichiosis, and other illnesses.

Effective tick control measures involve both prevention and treatment. This includes keeping lawns and outdoor areas well-maintained, using insect repellents, wearing protective clothing, and regularly checking pets and yourself for ticks after outdoor activities.

Yard Guard is a great solution to your ticks problems.

a brown and black bug


Stop Fleas With Yard Guard

Fleas are wingless parasites recognized for their remarkable jumping capability (up to 50 times their body length). They have flattened bodies, allowing easy movement through fur and feathers, and are notorious for biting humans and pets. Their bites often result in persistent itching and can potentially lead to infections or skin conditions. Fleas reproduce rapidly and, therefore, can quickly infest your living spaces.

Without prevention or treatment, fleas pose significant risks to both humans and pets. PestNow's Yard Guard service protects your yard and home, safeguarding you and your pets from these harmful pests.

a close up of a bug


Yard Guard Protects Against Thes Pesky Insects

Mosquitoes pose significant health risks due to their ability to transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus. Their bites are not only uncomfortable but can also trigger allergic reactions and disrupt outdoor activities.

Our monthly Yard Guard treatments are a cost-effective approach to killing and repelling mosquitoes. Mosquito control is crucial to protect human and pet health, ensure outdoor comfort, and prevent the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses.

a cartoon character with a light saber

Safeguard My Yard With Yard Guard

Homeowner Tips

Here are a few tips on what you can do to keep ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes away.


Keep Grass Mowed

Taller grass provides fleas with shade and moisture, which is ideal for breeding, while shorter grass reduces their habitat. Additionally, shorter grass allows more sunlight to reach the ground, helping to dry out the soil and kill flea eggs and larvae.

Keep grass properly mowed and the landscape clean of debris.

a toy gun on grass

Place Wood Away From Home

Ticks require blood meals from hosts to complete their life cycle. Wood piles near your home can provide convenient access to hosts such as rodents, deer, or other wildlife carrying ticks.

We recommend moving wood piles at least 20 feet away from your home. This reduces the attractiveness of your property to these hosts, consequently lowering the risk of tick presence.

a pile of cut logs

Remove Standing Water

Mosquitoes only need about half an inch of water to breed, so we recommend eliminating areas of standing water, including flower pots and planters, baby pools, birdbaths, and pet water bowls. This minimizes their breeding grounds.

a plant in a pot

Check Your Pets

Checking your pets for ticks and fleas is a simple yet crucial preventive measure to safeguard their health and prevent infestations. Doing so also protects your pet and your family from pesky flea bites and tick-borne diseases. Incorporate regular flea and tick checks into your pet care routine, especially after outdoor activities.

a dog lying in the grass

Wear Light Colored Clothing

If you're out in the yard, wear light-colored clothing. Mosquitoes are less attracted to light clothing. Although the light colors don't detour ticks, they're more easily spotted if they are on you. You can also wear long sleeves, pants, and tall socks when walking in wooded or grassy areas, as this provides one more barrier between your body and leads, ticks, or mosquitoes.

a person and a couple of children playing with a dog in a yard

Remove and Launder Clothes

Upon returning indoors, promptly remove and launder your outdoor clothes. Washing clothes in hot water and drying them on high heat can effectively kill any ticks that may be present.

a person holding a steering wheel
a man carrying a bucket

Most Common and Dangerous Ticks

a black and red bug on a green leaf

Deer Ticks

Ixodes Scapularis

Blacklegged Deer Ticks, or "deer ticks," are the primary transmitters of Lyme Disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis. Lyme Disease is a primary concern in the United States.
a brown and black bug

American Dog Ticks - Female

Dermacentor Variabilis

The American dog tick is the primary vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsia. Their bites can cause itching, fever, and sometimes tick paralysis.

a bug on a plant

American Dog Ticks - Male

Dermacentor Variabilis

The American dog tick is the primary vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsia. Their bites can cause itching, fever, and sometimes tick paralysis.

a spider on the ground

Lone Star Ticks

Amblyomma Americanum (Linnaeus)

The Lone Star tick is a vector of many dangerous diseases, including tularemia, Heartland virus, Bourbon virus, and Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI).
a cartoon character with a light saber

We've Got you Covered With Yard Guard


Tick, Flea and Mosquito Questions

Take back your outdoors with these commonly asked questions.

What diseases can fleas transmit to humans and pets?

Fleas can transmit diseases such as typhus, bartonellosis (cat scratch fever), and, in some regions, the plague. They can also cause allergic reactions and skin irritations in pets and humans.

How can I prevent flea infestations in my home and on my pets?

Regularly vacuuming carpets and furniture, washing pet bedding, and using flea-prevention products on pets can help prevent flea infestations. Additionally, treating outdoor areas with professional flea control can reduce populations in your yard.

What are the health risks associated with tick bites?

Tick bites can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and ehrlichiosis. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, including fever, rash, joint pain, and fatigue.

Where are ticks commonly found, and how can I protect myself from tick bites?

Ticks are often found in wooded and grassy areas and in shrubs and leaf litter. To protect yourself from tick bites, wear long sleeves and pants, use insect repellents containing DEET or permethrin, and perform tick checks after outdoor activities.

What diseases can mosquitoes transmit, and how can I protect myself from mosquito bites?

Mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as West Nile, Zika, dengue, and malaria. To protect yourself from mosquito bites, use insect repellents, wear long sleeves and pants, and eliminate standing water around your home where mosquitoes breed. PestNow's Yard Guard service also protects against mosquitoes.

How can I reduce mosquito breeding sites around my home?

Eliminate standing water in containers, bird baths, gutters, and other areas where mosquitoes can breed and keep grass and vegetation trimmed.

What are the most effective methods for controlling fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes in my yard?

Effective yard control measures include our Yard Guard services, keeping grass and vegetation trimmed, and removing leaf litter and debris.

How often should I check my pets and family members for fleas, ticks, and mosquito bites, especially during peak seasons?

We suggest checking pets and family members for fleas, ticks, and mosquito bites regularly, especially after spending time outdoors or in areas where these pests are prevalent. More frequent checks may be necessary during peak seasons, such as spring and summer.