Bed Bugs
Latin Name: Cimex lectularius
Bed bugs are a frequent topic on news segments and headlines nationwide because they're known as one of the hardest pests to get rid of for good. Their ability to travel on bags, clothing, and linens gives them the capability to spread from place to place at an alarmingly rapid pace.
The bed bug is a small, wingless insect that survives exclusively on blood from warm-blooded humans and animals. Two specific kinds of bedbugs have the reputation of feeding on human blood, the Cimex hemipterus bed bug and the Cimex lectularius bed bug.
As a newborn, the bedbug is about the size of a poppy seed and can grow to be around .25 inches as an adult. However, beware, as they can double in size after a feeding. This pest was named after its preferred habitat, which is within the human home - more specifically, beds, couches, clothing, and soft furnishing. The bed bug can spread rapidly in hotels, dorms, and apartments due to its ability to hitchhike from one host to another.
Humans can easily sleep through bed bug feedings, as their saliva acts as an anesthetic. Although bed bugs do not transmit diseases, the aftermath of their bites can be painful and can leave large red welts on their victims. Post-feeding, this bug will hide out for 5-10 days, laying eggs and digesting its bloody meal. Most people become aware of a bed bug infestation during this reproductive period.
Bed bugs can get out of control fast! Don't wait, contact a professional.