Latin Name: Ctenocephalides felis felis
Fleas might be small and wingless, but they aren't naked to the human eye. An adult flea is a shiny red or brown color with microscopic hair and can grow up to 2.5 mm long. Even though the average flea doesn't have wings, they can jump very long distances for their small size, which enables them to maneuver through animal fur quickly.
Of the 200 species of fleas, the cat flea is the most common. This type of flea feeds off animals and humans; however, they usually prefer pets due to their fur, which provides warmth and shelter. Flea bites leave painful and itchy red bumps that can cause discomfort to humans and pets.
A single flea can live on your pet for about two months and can consume up to 15 times their body weight in blood. This pest reproduces extremely quickly, as they lay eggs in very large numbers. Household fleas can lay about 40 or 50 eggs a day for about 50 days, which means flea infestations are nothing to brush off.
Fleas are also able to transmit diseases such as tapeworm and bacterial diseases.
When it comes to a flea infestation, it's better to call a professional and get rid of these pests as soon as possible than try risky home remedies or the waiting game. Contact PestNow today to solve your flea problems!